reduce the redness of the pimple

7 Fastest Ways to Reduce the Redness of the Pimple

Reduce the Redness of the Pimple | Acne and pimple are the most common problem among adults and teenagers. They hurt when you touch them and condition become even worse when they carry redness.

These red spots draw the attention of other people, but now we home remedies that can help you on reversing the process and can disappear the redness very fast.

1. Cold compress

Using the cold compress is one the most effective to get rid of pimple redness. It helps to contract the veins under the skin, which can help in reducing the redness of the pimple. [1]

How to apply Cold compress on pimples?

  • Take one piece of cloth.
  • wrap ice inside it and put it on the pimple again and again.
  • Use this 10-15 minutes

2. Toothpaste

It is readily and easily accessible ingredient and it can also help in reducing the redness due to pimples. It contains many ingredients such as triclosan, baking soda, and hydrogen peroxide and other ingredients that can help in dry out the pimple and reduce the swelling and redness. 2

How to apply Toothpaste on pimples?

  • Apply a small amount of paste directly to the pimple.
  • just on pimples (like spot), not the surrounding skin. ( never use it as a face mask)
  • Leave the paste on the pimple for 2-3 hours or overnight for the best result. But if you have too sensitive skin, it is best to remove past in 20-30 minutes.
  • Repeat this 3-4 times a week.

Note: – Toothpaste is not approved by dermatologist approved acne treatment. But it is a popular home remedy. And it does not contain any antibacterial properties. So you should not use toothpaste as an emergency treatment.

3. Aspirin

Aspirin has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory property. It contains salicylic acid that can reduce redness and inflammation.

How to apply Aspirin on pimples?

  • Crush a few tablets of aspirin.
  • Mix aspirin powder with 1tb of warm water.
  • Wash your face before using it.
  • Apply this paste directly to pimples.
  • Leave it for 15 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water and apply your usual moisturizer.

How to buy Aspirin

Buy Tea Aspirin from Amazon click here

Buy Tea Aspirin from Flipkart click here

4. Cucumber

Cucumber can help in reducing the inflammation and swelling due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Its astringent nature helps reduce the blood flow through your pimples which may help in reducing the redness of the skin.

It can also soothe your sin during pimple outbreaks.

Cucumber contains silica and nutrients that replenish your skin. 3

It also has the skin tightens effect due to this it can also act as an anti-aging and anti-wrinkles product.

It contains some essential vitamins such as vitamin A, C, E and minerals and amino acid which can preserve your skin. 4, 5, 6

How to apply Cucumber on pimples?

First, you need 1- cucumber, ½ cup- Ground oatmeal, ½ – ripe apple, warm water, and 2 tablespoons – skim milk.

  • Blend ground oatmeal, cucumber, skim milk and apples.
  • Apply the mask on your face and leave it for 20 minutes.
  • Rinse with warm water and after that with cold water.

You can also use lemon and honey in place of apple and skim milk.

You can use pure cucumber juice and pure cucumber slices directly to your face. 7

5. Eye drops

This is the fastest way to reduce the redness cause of pimples. It works instantly and perfects for when you notice a red pimple on your face in the morning. It is a temporary solution and won’t do anything with curing pimple.

Eye drops shouldn’t be for dry eyes or artificial tears.

How to use Eye drop on pimples?

  • Take a couple of drops on a cotton ball.
  • Apply directly to the pimple once dry you can cover with concealer.
  • Best for surrounding redness in the skin, but it won’t reduce the inflammation.

How to buy eye drops

Buy eye drop from Amazon click here

Buy eye drop from Flipkart Click here

6. Warm compress

Ice can reduce the redness on a temporary basis, but warm cloth reduces the long-lasting inflammation. Warm cloth open pores and allowing sebum and bacteria to exit the pore. So you should try this too.

How to apply warm compress on pimples?

  • Soak a washcloth in hot water, but not too hot. You can also use tea bags.
  • Hold a warm compress on the pimple for 10 minutes at a time.
  • Wash face with face wash. it will help with removing the bacteria that drew within this process.
  • You can add a few drops tree tea oil or lavender oil to the compress to reduce the inflammation fast.

7. Salicylic acid

You can use a spot treatment with salicylic acid and it is easily available in most of the drug stores. It will start dry sebum and oil, and reduce the overall redness. 8

How to apply Salicylic acid on pimples?

  • Take 0.5% -2% of salicylic acid.
  • Apply spot treatment directly to your pimples.
  • Leave it for 30 seconds and then rinse with water.
  • It can take several days to heal your pimple but can reduce the redness very quickly.

8. Benzoyl peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide kills the bacteria in the pimples that cause the redness a reduce the redness as well.

How to apply Benzoyl peroxide on pimples?

You already know how to use cream.

How to buy Benzoyl peroxide

Buy Tea Benzoyl peroxide from Amazon click here

Buy Tea Benzoyl peroxide from Flipkart click here

Note:- Before applying anything on your skin you should take advice from professional.


Everybody gets pimple at some point in their life. You should be very careful. You should never break out and pop a pimple. Pimple generally turns your face red which draws others attention toward your pimples.

You can reduce the redness of the pimple by blocking the veins under the skin around pimple using ice and by killing the bacteria which clog the pore.

You can reduce the redness of the pimple by blocking the veins under the skin around pimple using ice and by killing the bacteria which clog the pore.

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