Regular exercise and well hydration can improve Low Blood Pressure

If you are suffering from low blood pressure then do this exercise and stay well hydrated can help you to improve this condition or fainting and dizziness founded in a study. 

One of the biggest problems is astronauts feel dizziness and fainted when they return to the earth. The risk increased greatly if they stayed longer in space. But this condition ordinary people also often experience.

People can feel fainted or dizziness due to changes in blood flow after long bed rest, with certain health disorder or in the astronaut due to living in low gravitation environment.

This study published in journal circulation which included 12 astronauts. All astronauts performed different endurance and resistance training for up to 2 hours daily during space flight to prevent cardiovascular, muscles and bone loss. During this period their BP measures and there were no major changes. This study demonstrates that astronauts did not feel dizziness and fainting.

Since all the astronauts participated in the exercises and receive saline fluid upon landing.

This also shows that regular exercise and staying well hydrated can stable your blood pressure in the normal range.