Utah is highest In Opioid Prescriptions And Fatalities Among Pregnant Women

The opioid crisis continues increasing because people convinced themselves that opioid is not a drug since they are prescribed by the doctor.

People think that opioid have not any bad effect. Opioid addiction starts out as real need but then changes into individuals enjoying need.

Many pregnant get prescribed opioids because there are not many options for pain relief in pregnant women. Pregnant women cannot take Ibuprofen due to its bad effect.

Opioids are better than Ibuprofen. However, if there is need to take narcotics should use as a temporary solution and should take as needed.

Pregnant women should avoid taking them in the first trimester.

A study shows that 20% of women in the US are being prescribed opioids drug while pregnant.

Pelvic pain, headaches, and backaches are some reasons for prescribed the medication. Pregnant women are not immune to obtaining new medical conditions and might need relief.

However, in Utah 20% of pregnant women prescribed narcotics. Although taking narcotics should be safe if you are taking responsibly. In Utah about 25% of pregnancy deaths were drug-related. These are almost due to overdose.

Taking opioids at high ammount for extended periods of the time can cause neonatal abstinence syndrome(NAS). A baby with NAS is born with opioid dependency and will have symptoms such as issue feeding, shaking, crying, fever, vomiting, diarrhea, vomiting and sleeping trouble.

It can cause placenta condition in that placenta separates from the uterus too soon which can cause painful symptoms to the mother, lack of oxygen and nutrients can cause fetus growth problem according to American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists.

You should have not been stopped taking opioid because there is a reason you need pain relief but women should have to take wisely as doctors prescribe or different.